fredag den 29. januar 2010

Er Haiti katastrofeporno?

Det mener i hvert fald David Sirota, en amerikansk klummeskribent og bestselling forfatter.

På sender han denne interessante opsang afsted:

Yes, thousands of miles from the San Fernando Valley's seedy studios, the adult entertainment business is alive and panting in Haiti. This year's luminaries aren't the industry's typical muscle-bound mustaches of machismo — they are NBC's Brian Williams pillow-talking to the camera in his Indiana Jones garb, CNN's Sanjay Gupta playing doctor and, of course, CNN's Anderson Cooper in that two-sizes-too-small t-shirt "rarely missing an opportunity to showcase his buff physique," as The New York Times gushed. They are all the disaster porn stars in the media with visions of Peabodys and Pulitzers dancing in their heads.

And We the Ogling People drink it in.

Læs hele indlægget her.

Og læs i øvrigt The Onions parodi "Massive Earthquake Reveals Entire Island Civilization Called Haiti" på dækningen af Haiti her.

Samtidig er der et interessant blik på, hvorfor Haiti heller ikke fungerede før jordskælvet fra her.

// © MPH

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